Dr. Neha Singh Paper & Publication

Continuously publishing and presenting my work at scientific conclaves and conferences across the boundaries

She has conducted many researches works and many of her papers have published in various international journals, some of them are mentioned below…

  • Comparative evaluation of test characteristics of acetic acid, lugol’s iodine and toluidine blue stains in cervical cancer screening.


  • A prospective study comparing the efficacy of oral iron, intra-venous Iron sucrose and Ferric-carboxy-maltose in postpartum anaemia.
  • Int J Med Res Health Sci.1-107
  • 27# article on the below mentioned link
  • A case study on “Torsion of gravid uterus managed by hysterectomy with foetus in situ”.

International journal of Applied Researches IJAR, published in volume 5, issue 4 in April 2015.

She presented Paper in following conferences-

  • Paper on ‘Effect of luteal estradiol pretreatment on egg & embryo quality in antagonist ovarian stimulation’ in fertivision 2019.
  • Paper on ‘Comparative evaluation of test characteristics of acetic acid, lugol’s iodine and toluidine blue stains in cervical cancer screening’ in North Zone YUVA-FOGSI in 2017.
  • Paper on ‘The efficacy of oral iron, intra-venous Ironsucrose and Ferric-carboxy-maltose in postpartum anemia’ in UPCOG in 2016.

Dr. Neha Singh Research work

Every patient is a teacher and contributes the drop to the vast ocean of medical science, we as doctors choose which one should become a pearl!

She has conducted many research work and many of her papers have published in various international journals  , some of them are mentioned below

Comparative evaluation of test characteristics of acetic acid, lugol’s iodine and toluidine blue stains in cervical cancer screening

Ankita Kumari, Neha Singh, Shaila Mitra, Reena Srivastav


A prospective study comparing the efficacy of oral iron, intra-venous Ironsucrose and Ferric-carboxy-maltose in postpartum anemia

Author(s): Chaurasia Amrita, Singh Neha, Gupta Veena and Beenu

* Int J Med Res Health Sci.1-107

* 27# article on the below mentioned link


Having presented many papers on different platforms like UPCOG , NZYuvaFOGSI, Fertivision etc.

She was awarded best paper presentation in NZYuvaFOGSI and won Gold Medal in UPCOG

Dr. Neha Singh Certification

The best certification is the word of mouth , what patients say about me when I am not around😊

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